

It states in The Koran:- “In the creation of the heavens - - - THERE ARE SIGNS for men of sense.” (The Imraus 3:190).

Various other passages in The Koran proclaim a similar notion, ie:- that The Heavens – (The Solar System) are configured in a manner that provide “signs” deliberately incorporated so as to indicate to humans the existence of a Benevolent Creator. This notion is an important part of Muslim theology.

The Cambridge Institute of Astronomy has declared a CENSORSHIP of any Solar System features that favour or support this notion of Muslim theology. There ARE indeed “SIGNS” in The Heavens. There are features relating to the movements of planets and their satellites which cannot be explained by the laws of physics. These “SIGNS” in The Heavens have all been CENSORED by The Cambridge Institute of Astronomy, on the grounds that they would be supportive of Muslim theology.

This CENSORSHIP edict is known amongst academic astronomers as The Rees Directive. (I emailed Professor Martin Rees, The Astronomer Royal, asking him whether this edict is named after himself. He refused to deny this!)

My “mole” in The Cambridge Institute of Astronomy assures me that The Rees Directive was put in place specifically as an ANTI-MUSLIM instrument, in order to obfuscate The “SIGNS” in The Heavens that are crucial to Muslim theology! ALL staff, in ALL departments, at Cambridge University are held to be complicit in this ANTI-MUSLIM Policy.  

Let me show you some of these (CENSORED) “SIGNS” in The Heavens.

The following image has been described as “perhaps the most beautiful image in The Cosmos”, The beautiful pattern in this image has been described as “A REFLECTION OF THE MIND OF GOD”! You have to focus – to REALLY focus – on this image to see it for what it is. You have to strive to overcome any preconceived notions that might act as a barrier to clear vision.

The following image depicts the ANGLES revolved by Planet Earth during the orbital periods of each of the other planets. Each ANGLE is depicted by a SINGLE LINE Radius of the circle.

You can see straight away that these ANGLES form a beautiful “pattern”. This “pattern” is INEXPLICABLE in terms of The Laws of Physics. This beautiful pattern is God’s way of telling us that Earth is The CHOSEN PLANET.   

The following image shows how these ANGLES OUGHT to look if ONLY The Laws of (Newtonian) Physics controlled the movements of The Planets.

Clearly something else – besides The Laws of Physics – controls the movements of the planets. I am offering a cash prize of £32,000 to any properly qualified astronomer who can explain why this “pattern” occurs, using only The Laws of (Newtonian) Physics. No one has yet claimed this cash prize! And they never will!

This “pattern” is not a mere chance occurrence. This specific “pattern” (known as “OCTANT HUGGING” repeats multiple times in The Solar System. This website contains over 80 images depicting over 300 “OCTANT HUGGING” ANGLES.

Here is another example. The following image depicts The ANGLES rotated by The Moon and the Planets during One Earth Year. Each ANGLE is depicted by a SINGLE LINE Radius of the circle.

Once again you can see the same “pattern”, where the ANGLES “hug” The OCTANTS.

This next image displays ANGLES rotated by The Sun and Inner Solar System planets (excluding Mercury) during One Moon Orbital Period (ie:- OUR Moon). Once again, you would have to be blind to NOT see that these angles clearly “HUG” The “OCTANTS”.

This next image displays ANGLES revolved by The Moon (ie:- OUR Moon) during The Orbital Periods of each of The Naked-Eye-Visible Superior Planets. Once again, you would have to be blind to NOT see that these angles clearly “HUG” The “OCTANTS”.

The next image displays The ANGLES rotated during One Pluto Rotation Period by The Three Planets closest to Pluto.  Once again, you would have to be blind to NOT see that these angles clearly “HUG” The “OCTANTS”.

To see more similar images, click on the following link:-


To see a list of members of The Cambridge Institute of Astronomy, with their contact details (email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, images of faces – etc.), (and also to see details of staff in other departments at Cambridge University who are held to be complicit in this ANTI-MUSLIM POLICY), click on this link:-
