

I am offering a cash prize of £32,000 to any Academic Astronomer who can explain why “OCTANT HUGGING” is a general and consistent feature of The Solar System, using only The Laws of Newtonian Physics (or who can show that “OCTANT HUGGING” is NOT a general and consistent feature of The Solar System).

This cash prize can only be awarded ONCE to ONE person only.

In order to apply for the cash prize, applicants must take the following steps:-

Step 1. Email me (Roger Elliott) at the following email address:-


Step 2. State in your email to me that you are interested in spending some time perusing the web site (www.octantsrule.com) with a view to providing an explanation for “OCTANT HUGGING” (using only The Laws of Newtonian Physics), and claiming the £32,000 cash prize.

Step 3. I will then reply to inform you as to whether any other Academic Astronomer is currently engaged on this project. If they are not, then I will give you the immediate “go-ahead”, and you can commence, knowing that no one else can claim the prize while you are in the process of perusal. Is someone else IS currently engaged, I will place your name (and contact details on “the list”, and will notify you when that person has completed their deliberations and admitted defeat (or – possibly – claimed the cash prize).

Step 4. At this point, you can notify me that you are ready to proceed. Then, for the duration of your perusal and deliberations, YOU and only YOU, for this period of time, will be eligible for the cash prize. You can take as long as you require. I think that a few weeks perusal will convince you that this cash prize is unwinnable.

Step 5. If, at the end of your perusals, you cannot provide the required explanation, then it would be a politeness on your part to admit this in writing – in an email to myself.


There are more similar cash prizes available on this web site. To see details, click on the following link:-


Once you receive the “go-ahead” regarding “OCTANT HUGGING”, then YOU, and no one else, will also be eligible for the other cash prizes (for the duration of your perusal). 

Note:- There is ONLY ONE CASH PRIZE. This is £32,000. This is the maximum prize money. You cannot provide explanations for TWO separate Solar System features, and expect £64,000.

In that case, you would still only receive £32,000.