
EXAMPLE 36. The INNERMOST Satellites for each of The Four Giant Planets are as follows:- Jupiter satellite Metis, and Saturn satellite Pan, and Uranus satellite Cordelia, and Neptune satellite Naiad. This image depicts the ANGLES revolved during METIS’ orbital period by the other three above-mentioned (Innermost) Satellites.

Once again, we see (glaringly, blindingly obvious!) “OCTANT HUGGING”. Once again Newtonian Physics is absolutely impotent as far as providing an explanation.

DEMONSTRATION:- The Four Giant Planets (arranged in ascending orbit order) are:- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Here are the names and orbital periods (expressed in Earth days) of The INNERMOST Satellite for each of these planets:- Jupiter satellite Metis 0.294780 and Saturn satellite Pan 0.57505 and Uranus satellite Cordelia 0.3350331 and Neptune satellite Naiad 0.294396 

During one Metis orbital period Pan revolves

(0.294780 ÷ 0.57505) = 0.5126 revolutions.

0.5126 x 360 = 184.5 degrees.

During one Metis orbital period Cordelia revolves

(0.294780 ÷ 0.3350331) = 0.8799 revolutions.

0.8799 x 360 = 316.7 degrees.

During one Metis orbital period Naiad revolves

(0.294780 ÷ 0.294396) = 1.001 revolutions.

1.001 x 360 = 360.5 degrees.

To verify the various periods and data in this example, click on the following links:-

For Metis position and orbital period


For Pan position and orbital period


For Cordelia position and orbital period


For Naiad position and orbital period
