
EXAMPLE 75. This image depicts The ANGLES rotated by The Naked-Eye-Visible Superior Planets (ie:- Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) during One Sun Oscillation Period.

Once again, we see (glaringly, blindingly obvious!) “OCTANT HUGGING”. Once again Newtonian Physics is absolutely impotent as far as providing an explanation.

DEMONSTRATION:- The Sun’s Oscillation Period = 0.11111111 Earth days.

Here are the names and rotation periods (expressed in Earth days) of The Naked-Eye-Visible Superior Planets:- Mars 1.025957 and Jupiter 0.41353831 and Saturn 0.44401

During One Sun Oscillation Period, Mars rotates

(0.11111111 ÷ 1.025957) = 0.1083 rotations

0.1083 x 360 = 38.99 degrees.

During One Sun Oscillation Period, Jupiter rotates

(0.11111111 ÷ 0.41353831) = 0.2687 rotations

0.2687 x 360 = 96.7 degrees.

During One Sun Oscillation Period, Saturn rotates

(0.11111111 ÷ 0.44401) = 0.2502 rotations

0.2502 x 360 = 90.1 degrees.

To verify the time periods and data in this example, click on the following links:-

The Sun’s Oscillation Period


Verify The Naked-Eye-Visible Planets


Mars rotation period


Jupiter rotation period


Saturn rotation period


Verify which are The Superior Planets.
