EXAMPLE 76. The Sun’s Oscillation Period = 0.11111111 Earth days. This image depicts The ANGLES revolved by The INNERMOST Satellites of The Four Giant Planets (ie:- Jupiter’s Metis, and Saturn’s Pan, and Uranus’ Cordelia, and Neptune’s Naiad during TWO Sun Oscillation Periods. (Note:- Cordelia “fails” The Octants Rule, and is therefore excluded from this image.)
Once again, we see (glaringly, blindingly obvious!) “OCTANT HUGGING”. Once again Newtonian Physics is absolutely impotent as far as providing an explanation.
DEMONSTRATION:- The Sun’s Oscillation Period = 0.11111111 Earth days.
TWO Sun Oscillation Periods = 0.22222222
Here are the names and orbital periods (expressed in Earth days) of The INNERMOST Satellites of The Giant Planets:- (Jupiter satellite) Metis 0.294780 and (Saturn satellite) Pan 0.57505 and (Uranus satellite) Cordelia 0.3350331 and (Neptune satellite) Naiad 0.294396
During TWO Sun Oscillation Period, Metis revolves
(0.2222222 ÷ 0.294780) = 0.7539 revolutions
0.7539 x 360 = 271.4 degrees.
During TWO Sun Oscillation Period, Pan revolves
(0.2222222 ÷ 0.57505) = 0.3864 revolutions
0.3864 x 360 = 139.1 degrees.
Cordelia “fails” The Octants Rule.
During TWO Sun Oscillation Period, Naiad revolves
(0.2222222 ÷ 0.294396) = 0.7548 revolutions
0.7548 x 360 = 271.7 degrees.
To verify the time periods and data in this example, click on the following links:-
The Sun’s Oscillation Period
Identify The Four Giant Planets (See radius and mass columns in the table.)
Metis orbital period and position
Pan orbital period and position
Cordelia orbital period and position
Naiad orbital period and position