EXAMPLE 53. MIMAS. This image depicts the ANGLES revolved by MIMAS during the rotation periods of The Three SLOW Rotating Inner Solar System Revolving Bodies (Mercury, Venus, and The Moon).
Once again, we see (glaringly, blindingly obvious!) “OCTANT HUGGING”. Once again Newtonian Physics is absolutely impotent as far as providing an explanation.
DEMONSTRATION:- The rotation periods (expressed in Earth days) of Mercury, Venus, and The Moon are (respectively):- 58.6462 and 243.0187 and 27.321661
Mimas orbital period = 0.942421813 Earth days.
During 1 Mercury rotation period, Mimas revolves
(58.6462 ÷ 0.942421813) = 62.2292 revolutions.
0.2292 x 360 = 82.5 degrees.
That is 62 complete revolutions + 82.5 degrees.
During 1 Venus rotation period, Mimas revolves
(243.0187 ÷ 0.942421813) = 257.8662 revolutions.
0.8662 x 360 = 311.8 degrees.
That is 257 complete revolutions + 311.8 degrees.
During 1 Moon rotation period, Mimas revolves
(27.321661 ÷ 0.942421813) = 28.9909 revolutions.
0.9909 x 360 = 356.7 degrees.
That is 28 complete revolutions + 356.7 degrees.
To verify the time periods and data in this example, click on the following links:-
For Mimas orbital period and the Moon’s orbital period (The Moon’s orbital period is equal to its rotation period, due to “tidal locking”)
For the rotation periods of Mercury and Venus, and to confirm The Slow Rotating Inner Solar System Bodies (The Moon’s orbital period is equal to its rotation period, due to “tidal locking”)