
EXAMPLE 52. MIMAS. This image depicts the ANGLES revolved by MIMAS during the orbital periods of the satellites of (binary planet) Pluto/Charon (Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra). (Note:- Hydra “fails” The Octant Rule, and is therefore excluded from the image. 

Once again, we see (glaringly, blindingly obvious!) “OCTANT HUGGING”. Once again Newtonian Physics is absolutely impotent as far as providing an explanation.

DEMONSTRATION:- Mimas orbital period = 0.942421813 Earth days.

Here are the orbital periods (expressed in Earth days) of the satellites of (binary planet) Pluto/Charon:- Styx 20.16155 and Nix 24.85463 and Kerberos 32.16756

During Styx’s orbital period, Mimas revolves

(20.16155 ÷ 0.942421813) = 21.3933 revolutions.

0.3933 x 360 = 141.6 degrees.

That is 21 complete revolutions + 141.6 degrees.

During Nix’s orbital period, Mimas revolves

(24.85463 ÷ 0.942421813) = 26.37315 revolutions.

0.37315 x 360 = 134.3 degrees.

That is 26 complete revolutions + 134.3 degrees.

During Kerberos’ orbital period, Mimas revolves

(32.16756 ÷ 0.942421813) = 34.1329 revolutions.

0.1329 x 360 = 47.8 degrees.

That is 34 complete revolutions + 47.8 degrees.

To verify the time periods and data in this example, click on the following links:-

For Mimas orbital period


For orbital periods of Pluto satellites
